- could you ever see any reason for you to return to the organization? What would have to happen for you to return? Under what circumstances would you ever go back?
Like so many others who have responded to your post the answer is a resounding NO!!!
Here is a little bit of my reason why.
In my ministry as a witness I would tell people that I had been raised a Catholic, attended the Methodist church occasionally, and even gone to a Baptist private school ever so briefly as a youth. I would then share with them that as a result of what I learned from the bible thanks to Jehovah's Witnesses I had reached the conclusion that these religions could not be God's true religion. I would also regularly make the statement; "If they or anyone could show me from the bible what I believed was not in accord with God's word, then I would change my beliefs."
Well, no one I ever met in the ministry was ever able to do that. At least not in such a way as get through to me. So what made me change my mind about this religion I was raised in from my early teens on? I give credit to life experience, a need to know and truly be able to answer someone?s questions and a diet of near constant reading through my life. By my late twenties I had reached the conclusion that if the Watchtower could quote someone then I could read the source. So I started reading the likes of Bertrand Russell and others and you know what? I soon discovered a far broader range of thought and that the Watchtower frequently misquoted or should I say deceptively quoted these people they would use to support or brace their arguments with. The intellectual dishonesty and the sheer level of BULL SHIT that is organized religion will keep me from ever returning to the fold of "True Believers".
I can say that I do appreciate the sincerity of many that I know including family who are and will in all likelihood remain "True Believers" and Jehovah?s Witnesses. There are many very fine individuals within this religion, but good people do not make a thing true.
If there were any one thing I still miss it would be the friendships that I had. I would place a close second on the comfort of having an unquestioned belief in a God and a religion.
On the other hand, I would still enter a Kingdom Hall for the following reasons: a Wedding, a Funeral or some other familial duty and I would do it graciously.
I?m no longer a Witness, however I am also not disfellowshipped or disassociated. For me those last to points are irrelevant but I will make use of them if need be.
And finally, in order for me to go back as a "True Believer" I would have to have a direct communication from the God of the Witnesses telling me that I needed to go back.
David P.
"Currently of the non-christian persuassion."